STL and erase()

The inconsistency of erase() method in STL containers has always bothered me.

Say if you would want to loop through a std::list, print its items, and erase the item from the list, you could do the following.

std::list<int> l(6); // add in 6 zeros
std::list<int>::iterator itr = l.begin();
while(l.end() != itr)
	std::cout << *itr << std::endl;
	itr = l.erase(itr);

Pretty straight forward.

The erase() method will remove the item pointed by the current iterator, and move the iterator to the next element.

Now what if you want to do the same to a std::set?

std::set<int> s; // add in 6 zeros
//do some initialization here
std::set<int>::iterator s_itr = s.begin();
while(s.end() != s_itr)
	std::cout << *s_itr << std::endl;
	s_itr = s.erase(s_itr); // COMPILER ERROR!

Accck! This won’t compile under gcc because erase() method in an associative container returns void. To work around the problem, you need to use the post-increment operator of the iterator within the erase() method.

std::set<int> s; // add in 6 zeros
//do some initialization here
std::set<int>::iterator s_itr = s.begin();
while(s.end() != s_itr)
	std::cout << *s_itr << std::endl;
	s.erase(s_itr++); // use post-increment

In C++, even erasing an item from a STL container is subtle and error-proning.

The Standard

To make matter worse, Visual Studio’s erase() method implementation violates the standard, and is consistent across all containers. This confuses a lot of people.

As far as I can see, this inconsistency has been deemed as a defect by LGW since 1999. Hell, even Josuttis mentioned a few dissatisfactions in his infamous STL Bible.

In the current C++0x standard, it looks like this issue will finally be put to rest. So… just a few more years of pain before the next compiler upgrade.

3 thoughts on “STL and erase()

  1. The SO link says DinkumWare consider this a ‘conforming extension’. What does that mean? Did the standard actually changed to make such an extension non-conforming?

    • Ofek,

      I think DinkumWare’s implementation is non-conforming. I have checked the standard, as well as several other STL implementation (SGI, STLPort, etc), and none of them implemented erase() that returns an iterator.

      It seems that DinkumWare just didn’t follow the standard, or maybe they forecasted that this defect will be fixed back in 2003

      Either way, I think it is now safe to start using DinkumWare’s erase() implementation in generic programming.


      … Alan

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